Ick - birding injury! I was looking up, my mouth dropped open and is bug flew in. Lots of coughing and spitting followed. No idea what happened to the bird. The bug is deceased.
On a rare evening bird I found some success. I rarely bird late in the day because I almost never find what I am looking for. I decided to go out for a specific bird, which I did not find — a common nighthawk. But I decided to go a little early and drive the road - BINGO a Yellow-billed Cuckoo flew across the road and into the woods slowly enough for me to actually see it! Life bird #2 for the day.
Then I went to a place where a Chuck Will’s Widow had been calling about 5 days ago. No reports since, but it was only a few miles from the first spot and I had only tried very early in the morning, so I figured, why not. I sat there for twenty minutes just hearing the basic night din - not even a whip-poor-will — so I decided to leave and the minute I thought, I should go, it started and kept going until I left 5 minutes later. Life bird #3 for the day.
I may take tomorrow off. But we’ll see...
Addendum -- a birder friend of mine just reviewed my recording at it was an Eastern Whip-poor-will not a Chuck Will's Widow -- I hear them from my deck at home. The trials of birding. Onward.