There are times when I would just like to report a bird and not have anyone question it. I am the first to admit I am not there… yet. Don’t know when I will get there. When I first started birding, I was told it take years to be a birder. I am starting to believe it.
For the most part, I know the birds I know and I know the ones I don’t know. When I don’t know a bird and don’t have certainty around the ID, I ask. I have a couple of different sources now, but there was a time I did not.
A fellow birder today, who tends to be a little fast and loose with IDs (and believes Merlin way too much) was complaining today about one of those ID sources. When actually the birder had cause confusing in the way he asked about the ID. I know the feeling, but it was wishful birding.
Zen birding lesson of the day: It feels good to get a new bird, but only when you really get the bird.
There is no crying in baseball and there is no lying in birding – it is NOT fishing!
Second Zen birding lesson of the day: Sometimes a Sparrow is just a House Sparrow.