I am a planner, some would say an over-planner. One thing I have learned while birding is that plans are fine as long as they are flexible.
Every morning I plan to find my next bird. I almost never do when I plan it, it happens spontaneously. Mostly when I am not expecting it at all.
Ok, sometimes when I am chasing. But that is being mooch as I’ve learned. Drafting off of someone else is perfectly acceptable, in fact encouraged in Biking, but in Birding you need to pull your weight.
That ain’t easy when you are new. I don’t know the best places to go. Even when I do, I struggle to get there. I was very excited when I got my first (and only) first find back in May. I can’t wait for my next one.
I worry that even when I do find a new bird I won’t be sure enough to “publicize” it. The bird community is opening up to me (and others). I’m consistently surprised at their generosity. They want other birders to succeed.
Well that makes me want to contribute even more.
Zen birding lesson of the day: The real plans belong to the birds.
Sometimes all you get is the sunrise!