This morning was our last and the most remarkable few hours of birding I have ever experienced. The morning lift-off was amazing – I would give it a 9 (vs. the 4.5 yesterday), unfortunately or fortunately I was amazed by it and did not take a video. I did get a few stills.
It happened early and gave us a chance to do the north loop. I wanted to see the White-tailed Kite that had been hanging out there for the last week or so. Shortly after we started we saw a Bald Eagle in the Marsh. Then we happened upon a flock of Snow Geese sitting in a field – then they took off – probably @1000 and they all took off at once. Only stills again – but the experience was extraordinary. Then we happened on a flock on the road, that took off right over the van… So Cool!
We had an up-close and personal view of a Red-tailed Hawk.
I asked Chris what the Kite would be doing and he said hovering. Shortly I spotted a Hawk-like bird hovering in a field on the left side of the road. Chris pulled off and got out to set up the scope – but the woman in a car in front of us pointed to the right and there was a White-tailed Kite perched on a branch. Success & another lifer.
White-tailed Kite hovering with prey in its talons
White-tailed Kite
We spend about 20 minutes with the Kite and then Chris said we needed to get going. We were done birding for the day… but we were not. @5 minutes my cousin Bill spotted the adult Bald Eagle. It was hunting amidst the huge flock of ducks (mostly Northern Pintails), it snagged one took it to the ground, but a Raven was harassing it, so it decided to move the still alive duck and dropped it in the process. Then the immature Bald Eagle swooped in and started eating it and the adult started hunting again. The Raven never left the area where the downed duck was. In addition a huge flock of Blackbirds (Red-winged & Brewer’s & maybe others) was murmurating (flying & landing repeatedly & making shapes in the sky) above the same field as well.
Adult Bald Eagle
Northern Pintails, Raven & other Ducks
Bald Eagle & Ducks
Bald Eagle (with captured Northern Pintail on the ground) being taunted by a Common Raven
The Adult Bald Eagle move the still alive Northern Pintail
Adult Bald Eagle drops the Northern Pintail and a Juvi Bald Eagle swoops in to take its place -- much to the chagrin of the Ravens
Thousands of Blackbirds -- Red-winged, Brewers and more
The adult Bald Eagle begins the hunt again...
An amazing way to end the trip with Wildside Nature Tours!
Our flights home were uneventful, but on the way home from the Hartford Airport I ran over something (no idea what) in the road and ended up on a dark country road with two flat tires and unable to get a tow from AAA (why else would I have a subscription) – here is what the car looked like.
We got home and it took me a couple of days to get “whole” again – but I did. Still a great trip.