This week is a little short & somewhat quiet, but I had some great bird moments. Short because I didn't bird from Thursday - Sunday. Mostly weather related, but Sunday I have a trip to NY & CT on the docket, so no birding that day.
On Monday I was out early enough to catch the sunrise and the highlight of the day was my time with a Pectoral Sandpiper -- I even managed to get some video. It is mostly low tide in the early morning when I go, so it tends to be slower on the point unless I get lucky.
Quonnie Breachway
Juvi Common Tern
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Bird Moment
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Tuesday was a bit gloomy, but there was a single Glossy Ibis, which I rarely see at Quonnie, feeding with the Egrets on the way in. The sunrise was lovely.
Quonnie Breachway
Glossy Ibis
Stilt Sandpiper
Juvi Song Sparrow
Wednesday was rainy early, so I just did a drive through at Quonnie. Met up with a Spotted Sandpiper on the road in and this bird just kept leading me in and then it met me again on the way out. Definitely a great bird moment and then the Tree Swallows are gathering!
Succotash Marsh
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Semipalmated Plover
Quonnie Breachway
Juvi Spotted Sandpiper
The bird moment!
And another bird moment, with lots of Tree Swallows
Wednesday after I left a Marbled Godwit flyover was reported and later it was rediscovered in the Marsh. I went to see it, thinking it might be gone in the morning. It was way out in the grassy area and not a good photo.
Thursday, or course, I was hoping the Godwit would still be there and it was. I saw if fly in, large and sleek and finally got my scope on it. Had no good shot, but then it moved to the Sandbar -- still far, but I got some reasonable shots. Full disclosure all of the Godwit shots have been post-processed through Topaz... they were a lot fuzzier (distance/lighting issue) right out of the camera.
Quonnie Breachway
Marbled Godwit - my bird moment for the day (albeit a distant one)
Nice birds for a short week! Weather is supposed to be better next week. We'll see...