Encanto Park is public park with lots of recreation facilities including an amusement park (Enchanted Island). I entered on N 15th Avenue across from West Wiltshire Drive and followed a loop around two parking lots. I came to see the Rosy-faced Lovebirds, but got more than I bargained for.
The Lovebirds, showed up right away, but would not give me a photo op for a while. The tend to flock up in the tops of palm trees. About 20 minutes in, a number of them landed under a tree and foraged there for longer than I needed to take photos. This species was originally brought to this area as pets, they are not native birds, but they have been here long enough and breed outside of captivity they are considered naturalized birds.
Rosy-faced Lovebirds
I got my first looks at another life bird the Gila Woodpecker – similar to the Northern Flicker we have in the east.
Caught up with some species I had seen in New Mexico including:
Great-tailed Grackle – like our Common Grackle with a much more impressive tail
Verdin – a very tiny bird with a big voice
And some old friends from the east.
Northern Mockingbird
American Kestrel
After driving the initial entry spot, I went around the corner to the amusement park area. It too was quiet but there was a pond and a few birds on the golf course. There are certainly opportunities to walk, but I do not take advantage of them.