This was a seat of the pants day -- I just picked a few places and went there. Montosa Canyon had the most potential and was the furthest north, so I started there... or I meant to. However, the River Road on the way to the interstate turned out to be very interesting.
Red-tailed Hawk

Broad-billed Hummingbird

Brown-headed Cowbird


Lark Sparrow

Gila Woodpecker

Montosa Canyon is interesting starting with the Telescope array at the start of the Canyon.
I believe there were five of these -- each octagon is a mirror.

Each Telescope had what I call a plastic Gull-Owl meant to scare away Gulls that might roost (and poop) on the mirrors.

Was hoping for a Five-striped Sparrow, I did not see or hear one, but it was reported there about 2 hours after I left...
Hooded Oriole

Summer Tanager

Fish Hook Barrel Cactus


I would recommend you turn around when the pavement stops I went on for another mile and was nervous about it -- hard to find a place to turn around and very narrow and windy.
Took a quick trip to De Anza Trail in Tubac. I stopped by to say hi to the iconic Ron Gainnes on the last day of the Tubac Hawk watch. After seeing and hearing them since the first day I finally got my first photo of a Lucy's Warbler.
Lucy's Warbler

Gray Flycatcher


Swainson's Hawk

Rock Squirrel

Everything I did today was from the car, so all accessible too.