My day started out with hearing a Great Horned Owl this morning while I was feeding my cat - I wasn't sure I believed my ears, so I opened the porch door and BINGO! I've never heard one from inside my condo before -- very exciting.
I am trying to not worry so much about my "list" so I - stop, look, listen and ENJOY instead of being tempted to rush from bird to bird. Today I was thinking I might see a White-crowned Sparrow or a Brown Thrasher or my current nemesis a Marsh Wren. I saw none of those birds, but I did see a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in a very unexpected place.
I also thought tomorrow's weather was going to be crappy, but it looks fine - so I am now excited about birding tomorrow and need to start making some progress on my art class assignments that are due on Sunday (considered, planned but not yet started).