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Migration continues... sort of...

Writer's picture: Barbara SeithBarbara Seith

In order to access high tide at Quonnie today, I started my morning at Succotash, went up to the turf fields (basically dead) and finished at Quonnie. Quonnie wasn't bad. Got to see my American Oystercatchers again. Still just the usual suspects.

Succotash Marsh

Short-billed Dowitcher

Fairgrounds Turf Field

White-tailed Deer Fawn

Liberty Lane

Morning Dove

White Brook

Great Egret

Quonnie Breachway

Caspian Tern

Forster's Tern

American Oystercatcher

Juvenile American Oystercatcher

Forster's Tern

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Semipalmated Plover

Tuesday was on the water and honestly I didn't get any great photos -- here is my favorite one. I did get two new life birds -- Parasitic Jaeger & Pomerine Jaeger.

North Atlantic Ocean

Wind Turbine

Wednesday I went to Jamestown because I had an appointment in Middletown. Again, few good photos -- but this Palm Warbler was fairly cooperative.

Beavertail State Park

Palm Warbler

Thursday was mostly about Quonnie -- a little less cold (no wind) that it has been and I had a nice group on the point. Did a quick visit to Succotash Marsh to wrap up.

Quonnie Breachway

Preening Short-billed Dowitcher

Black-bellied Plover

Red-breasted Merganser

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Black-bellied Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher

Black-bellied Plover

Great Blue Heron

Green Heron

Succotash Marsh

Glossy Ibis

A very quiet night into Friday with less than 1,000 birds flying over my area. So I decided to just go and hang in my car/bird blind to see if anything popped out. And it did. I saw four birds "playing" in a dead tree -- all very backlit, but they looked like small falcons. Really unusual because falcons are typically solitary, but when I got home I was able to lighten the photos up enough to confirm -- American Kestrels. The session was full of Bird Moments!

Moonstone Beach Road

American Kestrels

Channel from Mud Pond to Card's Pond

Red-winged Blackbirds were out in the 100s

Female Common Yellowthroat

South Kingstown Town Beach

Savannah Sparrow


Female Yellow Warbler

Evening Primrose & Pollinator

Luna White Hibiscus

Molting Northern Cardinal

Succotash Marsh

House Wren

Saturday was more of the same -- not a lot of new flights. I went up to Foster & Swan Point, but very few birds. Just a few photos.

Rockland Cemetery

Ponagansett Road

Leonard's Skipper

Sunday I was back at a foggy Quonnie, but it cleared up quickly. I had limited time there because the tide really high and it chased me off the point. The sunrise was worth the trip.

Quonnie Breachway

The flock...

This female Red-breasted Merganser has been at Quonnie for quite sometime. I think of them as diving ducks, but this one has been feeding more like a loon -- sticking its head in the water and shooting along, almost like skimming under the water. I was lucky to capture it on video .

Succotash Marsh

Last of the Least Sandpipers

The tide is at more favorable levels this coming week at Quonnie -- here's to finding some nice surprises and of course Bird Moments!

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