Monday - 9/16 Quonnie, Moonstone
Quonnie Breachway
Great Egrets

American Oystercatcher

Short-billed Dowitcher


Red-throated Loon

Semipalmated Plover

Black-bellied Plover

Red-breasted Merganser

American Oystercatcher


Greater Yellowlegs



Black-bellied Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher

Black-bellied Plover

American Oystercatcher

Black-bellied Plover

Snowy Egret

Tuesday - 9/17 Quonnie, Galilee, Carolina Trout Pond
Quonnie Breachway
Black-bellied Plover

Plus American Oystercatcher

Red-throated Loon

Turtles at Carolina Trout Pond

Wednesday -- 9/18 Rainy - Sprague Bridge - Great White Heron - No Photos
Thursday -- Quonnie Breachway, Succotash
Quonnie Breachway
Short-billed Dowitcher

Great Black-backed Gull

Greater Yellowlegs


Black-bellied Plover

American Oystercatcher

Ring-billed Gull with Razor Clam breakfast

Black-bellied Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher

Great Egrets and Tree Swallows

plus Great Blue Heron

Friday -- Perry Pond Wood Ducks, Misquamicut Lesser Black Back
Perry (Firehouse) Pond
Male Wood Duck


Molting Male

Female & Canada Goose

Molting Male

Misquamicut State Beach Parking Lot
Lesser Black-backed Gull

Saturday - no birding due to a visit to my cousin in Maine.
Sunday was suppose to bring a good overnight migration -- but did not. Here are some shots from Galilee Bird Sanctuary.
Savannah Sparrow

Great Blue Heron

Here's hoping we will eventually have some kind of migration activity next week!