A few weeks ago I was writing about Murmurations of Swallows. A birder friend of mine pointed out that Murmuration specifically referred to a group of European Starlings. He proceeded to point me to a website that lists Collective Names for lots of bird species. It is quite fun – and if nothing else being a birder has humbled me to the extent that I welcome criticism on this count.
A group of Swallows can be referred to as – a Flight, a Gulp, a Herd, a Kettle, a Richness (my personal favorite) and of course, a Swarm. I was a little disappointed that there is not play on Being Swallowed, but I will take that as my own.
Have been Swallowed a few times in the last month or so, I continue to consider it distinct experience that I’m as glad to have participated in. It was nothing like “The Birds” and I never felt in peril of any kind. Just felt a little like a bird for a while. Which was very very cool!
My other current favorites are:
An incontinence of Yellowlegs

A committee of Common Terns

Both seem very appropriate.

I’ve coined my own – a chortle of Laughing Gulls.
