Damn this lockdown. The State beach that had the exotic plover and the black headed gulls is closed down tight. The gate at the lighthouse where I’ve started my mornings since December is locked. I am bereft – I keep going there, just to find it locked.
I know it is good to switch things up, start a new routine, but I am loathed to do so. The season is changing so maybe it is time.
Time to say goodbye to the winter ducks and the winter plumage. The Loons are turning a dramatic black. The Sparrows are graying out. That is just the beginning.
Soon I will be faked out by birds I already have, but now they have changed their costume and make-up, they look like a different character. Yes, it is part of the fun. Yes, it is some of the frustration.
Tomorrow I will change my route, look at the sunrise from a different place. I will pray fervently they don’t shut down our town beach.