This morning I was standing outside on my porch, marveling at how astonishingly beautiful the day was. I slipped out about 11:30 and hopped in my car, headed for a nearby hiking path where I could take a nice long walk and enjoy the sun. As I pulled out of the garage, I saw a big bird in neighboring tree, and another one flying away. Clearly my photo timing was way off, and though I missed the flying bird completely, I still had hopes for the big bird on the bare tree branch. I pulled into the closest condo parking space, raised my camera, and took a few shots. The majestic bird before me was not an eagle; it’s breast feathers were predominately white, and because I wasn’t sure exactly what I was seeing, and because I was farther away than I wanted to be to get a good shot, I hopped out of my car and before I could plant my feet firmly in the ground to steady my aim, the took to the sky and was soon completely out of sight and shooting range. Note to self: I think I need to practice planting and shooting, because when I'm on the move I almost always miss the shot. Come to think of it, this is pretty compelling case for learning how to stay put.
My Zen of Birding lesson for the day.