Off to Maine on Saturday -- so it's an abbreviated week in Rhode Island -- slow birdwise too. It is June after all.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday were all at Quonnie and although I had good diversity, there were just one or two of most birds.
Monday at Quonnie Breachway
Great Blue Heron - fishing!
Green Heron -- fishing!
Great Black-backed Gull
Double-crested Cormorant - Fishing!
Snowy Egret
White-Rumped Sandpiper
Tuesday at Quonnie Breachway
White-rumped Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
American Oystercatcher
Semipalmated Plover
Wednesday At Quonnie Breachway
Barn Swallows on deck
Piping Plover
Great Egret
Common Tern
Thursday I took a whirlwind 13 hour birding trip -- up to Mount Washington in New Hampshire. It wasn't so hot there, but boy was it windy (Gale/Near Gale up to 40mph). Made it harder to hear the birds and they were mostly hunkered down, so tough to spot. The result was two life birds -- Bicknell's Thrush & Boreal Chickadee, but no photos. The only bird that stayed still long enough for a photo was a Dark-eyed Junco. Tons of butterflies mostly Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail but they were primarily in sheltered spots.
VERY annoying drivers who parked like crazy people in the tight turnoffs and Motorcycle gangs that were SOOOO Noisy. Might do it again sometime when it is not so breezy.
Mount Washington, New Hampshire
Orange Hackweed (I think)
Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail
Dark-eyed Junco (with wind re-arranging its wings)
Boreal Habitat
The road
Clouds shrouding the mountains
The way up...
The wind...
Friday I went to Quonnie for the last time until next Sunday because I will be in Maine. It was fairly quiet and the water level is still low. Full moon tonight but only a few Horseshoe Crabs around. BUT the Common terns (and some Roseates) were there in force -- @50!
Quonnie Breachway
Laughing Gulls, Common Terns, Roseate Terns & Herring Gulls
Otherwise there was again a good diversity but hardly any species in number mostly 1's and 2's. There was, however, a very unexpected bird today -- a Female Black Scoter hanging out with a family of Mallards.
Black Scoter
Off to Maine in the morning -- so next week's post will include this coming weekend (although it is supposed to rain).