Don't know whether to call this post East meets West or Small World. My Rhode Island Birder friend Al Schenck went to San Diego last year for three weeks - so I tried to connect him with my San Diego Birder friend (from childhood -- only found out she was a major birder since I started) Martha Wild. They were not able to connect last year -- or so we thought.
Al is out there again and a friend told me about the amazing pelagic trip he went on -- saw like every bird he dreamed of and even the locals were amazed.
Yesterday Martha posted about a pelagic trip she took last month that looked amazing -- so I'm thinking I wonder if they were on the same boat. I still don't know the answer to that but I emailed Al and asked about it. Al realized that he had been on a walk last week that Martha led and he was going on another one today. So finally the connection was recognized - and here is the proof.
Turns out they were on a walk together last year too -- just didn't connect the dots. Makes me happy they have connected and I look forward to the day I can go to San Diego and bird with Martha (Al gave her great reviews!)
