I got a phone call on Sunday, which I let go to voice mail because I did not recognize the number. That is my way – I’m a little tired of talking to people trying to sell me stuff I don’t have any interest in.
This call was from a board member at the Audubon Society in Rhode Island. He started with “This call is not the ask you for money” – Excellent opening line! He continued to thank me for my continuing support during the pandemic which is a very hard time for all Not-For-Profit organizations. How lovely to be quietly recognized for doing something that already makes me feel good.
Turns out the board member is someone that I have met several times while birding. We have the same model car and both have Audubon license plates. I remember that because that is why I talked to him. I am basically an eBird stalker. I read the recent visits every day (multiple times) and know the names of the regular birders. I do that to find new places to go, or when a particular territory might have a bird I’m looking for. I suspect by next year I will remember (and have records of) what territory has been productive at what time of year, but for now I am a slave to eBird stalking.
He said I didn’t need to call back, but I did (the next afternoon because I figured he’d be occupied in the morning chasing yet another rarity that arrived from Asia the day he called). We had a lovely conversation that ranged from Birders who have had to relocate due to COVID issues to Pelagic (strictly water-based birds) trips to an Audubon Block Island excursion this fall (hoping it will happen).
I continue to be delighted with the generosity I find in the birding community and I am really happy to be a part of it. Oh, and he added me to a Group Me group that is amazing and all the cool (and successful) birders use it to announce a new (and continuing) find.
Zen birding lesson of the day: You never know where a contribution to a cause you care about will lead. Please consider giving to a cause you care about today!