I started driving to my first birding destination this morning and there was something big and dark moving on the road. My mind goes right to – BIRD! It was a coyote.

I stopped and took a few photos. It was good model and I knew if nothing else happened today, it would be a good day.
On to a lovely sunrise at Watch Hill Lighthouse and a few ducks are starting to filter in. Avondale Farm Road had a large shock of Cormorants on and off the rocks.
When I turned to corner near the Pawcatuck River I saw a large bird fly behind the trees. I stopped so I could see what it was and Bald Eagle flew by – so close I could see the individual feathers. It was close (about 20 feet up) and the light was beautiful.
All I could do was stare.
All I could do was hope this was a patriotic sign.
All I could do was curse the fact I did not get a photo.
I turned north Chapman Pond where 100+ American Coots had been reported yesterday. It’s not huge pond, so I was hoping to be “Cooted” and have tons of birds close to shore.
Did not happen.
I spotted some, but they were too far away for what I was craving.
I saw a pink, white and fur lump floating on the water. I thought it was a coat, then I started worrying about a body (too many Law & Order episodes) and then I realized it was a freshly skinned animal coat (no photo – too gruesome).
Likely coyote.
Not my friend from this morning.
Clearly this animal pissed someone off.
I hope I never run into that person and I hope this animal doesn't either.
