I stepped out on my porch the other night to try to hear the Eastern Whip-poor-will that my neighbors have been talking about. Definitively hearing a bird call counts as finding the bird.
There was a hummingbird at my feeder who split as I opened the door.
My ears were assaulted with a cacophony of bird sounds that I could not separate. It was just one big sound cloud and then I heard an unusual noise. Almost like a cross between a croak and a grown and a buzz. It was close to the ground, so I thought it might be an animal.
I turned away and listen to the bird cloud. The odd sound repeated only closer and buzzier. I turned and saw what looked like a giant bee just off my railing. I must have screamed a little because it took off, just as I realized it was the hummingbird.
What a sound!
Who knew?