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A Puzzle & 3 Misses

Writer's picture: Barbara SeithBarbara Seith

Ah this week started with a puzzle -- a bird that I thought was a rare bird, then another rare bird and then another rare bird. It turned out to be just a usual bird with a odd long bill. It made for a fun day of speculation where it was possible I had just found the best bird of my life.

But first some Mountain Laurel from Sunday.

Now the puzzle bird -- Thought it was a Stilt Sandpiper, then possibly a Curlew Sandpiper, then a Knot but not a Red Knot, but a Great Knot -- what's that you say, you didn't know there was such a bird. Me neither, it is an Australian/Chinese bird that breeds in northern Russia -- yup Siberia. We thought it might be a possibility because of the Wildfires -- the last time we had such an unusual bird was during wildfires in Russia. Here are too many pictures of that mystery bird.

Tuesday was quiet & foggy but have a good series

Piping Plover

Willet in the Fog

Great Egret (lost a fish -- that dot!)

Herring Gull jousts with breakfast

Barn Swallows were buzzing me on the point

Just a few shots from Wednesday -- another quiet day

Green Heron

American Oystercatcher

Piping Plover with lots of bling!

Was back at Quonnie in the evening looking for a Whimbrel that just put in a brief appearance I did not see -- but this was my consolation prize...

Thursday was a Egret day -- to say the least

Snowy Egret

I've never seen that much orange on a Snowy before...

Finally had a few common terns flying around on Friday -- with some other scenery

Thought this was so serene

Common Terns

American Oystercatcher with feather

Saturday I finally had nestlings in my two remaining active Osprey nests

Cap'n Jack's Restaurant Sign - look at the little head on the right

In front of Mom's head

Ready for its closeup

Niantic Avenue, Westerly - Dad on perch, Mom in nest, little head to the right.

It was a Yellow-crowned Night-heron day as well

Heron 1 - Succotash Marsh

Heron 2 - Succotash Marsh

Heron 3 - West Beach Road

Green Heron in the rain at Quonnie Breachway

Cedar Waxwing in the Rain

Sunday was a quiet morning at Quonnie, a little chilly again -- what's the date? Here are a few studies of the best birds

Green Heron

Barn Swallow in a rare moment not in motion

American Oystercatcher

Egrets - Great (Yellow bill) and Snowy (Black bill & Yellow shoes)

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