Still a somewhat slow week. I saw my first Piping Plover at Quonnie.
And had a lovely photo shoot with 3 Lesser Yellowlegs which are just starting to come into town...
Then a Great Egret in Breeding Plumage
My Osprey's are also coming in -- but this was odd -- Three Osprey's in a nest. I think maybe there are two males and the second one is thinking he can move is -- but on this day, he moved on.
Just two in a nest that isn't mine...
Three in a nest
Now there are two -- this one fled!
I went to Hammonasset State Park in Madison, CT but dipped on the Western Meadowlark that was there the previous day. I did get these shots of a Golden-crowned Kinglet flashing its crown.
Some photos along the way in Westerly
Long-tailed Duck
Cooper's Hawk
Great Egret
Closed out the week just now with a cruise close to home...
Osprey in Marsh
Osprey returns to my Niantic Pond Nest.
Herring Gull taking off
Male Blue-winged Teal
Female Blue-winged Teal
Male & Female Blue-winged Teal in Front, Female Green-winged Teal following.