Today I went back to the place where I got stuck in the mud. I went with an experienced bird guide. Turns out I went too far to cross when I got stuck. Turns out the crossing isn’t the only dicey part of the Mud Flats – the whole shebang is dicey – well, slippery.
I was grateful to have my guide.
I was grateful to have my walking sticks.
I was grateful for the birds. Not much new, just one Little Blue Heron, who is ironically white when young. Happy to have the new bird.
Happier to have the opportunity to commune with the familiar. Semiplamated & Least Sandpipers were out in abundance. They basically ignored us and I had to look down before I took a step to make sure I didn’t step on one of them. I looked in their eyes. I saw their plumage up close & Personal. I had moments with 10 different birds.
