The prospect of becoming an Osprey Monitor has me thinking about purchasing a pair of binoculars – better known in the birding world as Bins. I’ve never been a fan of binoculars; I prefer to use a scope, but Osprey nest platforms are way up there, and I was thinking binoculars might give me a better bird’s high view.
So, I set upon researching Bins, asking fellow birders and sports fans – anyone who might know anything about this magnifying tool – all kind of questions, hoping I could equate binocular lenses with my camera lenses. No dice. Plus, it turns out the scope I already have has the same magnifying specs as the Bins most recommend for birding. For now, I’m going to stick with what I have, but maybe I’ll take the scope out with me more often and see what it can do.
On another note: I no longer need run every bird photo I take through the Merlin app to identify its species. Almost three months into my Big Year, this milestone makes me happy.