There is a woman in Westerly who is an amazing birder (Not the one who found the Sandpiper). She is the first to find rare or not yet seen this year birds on a regular basis. She spends a lot of time birding and clearly knows where the birds are.
Since I bird fairly regularly in this area, you would think I’d have run into her by now. But I remained an eBird/Facebook stalker when it came to her.
Well actually, I did run into a few weeks back during A Bird A Day In May, but I didn’t know it was her at the time. When I realized it later, I cursed my lack of introduction as we had a facebook exchange.
Yesterday, she introduced herself to me. Wow! I asked her if I could take her to lunch sometime and pick her brain. She is one of my birding idols and I want to know how to get that good. She mentioned there was Laughing Gull on the flats -- I needed a Laughing Gull and I found it!

I know, there are no short cuts.
I think picking her brain is just a better route.
I still have to do the work.
I still have to build the skills.
I still want to take her to lunch.
She has been taking it easy in June – not so many birds in Rhode Island in June.
Ah Affirmation of what I already figured out.
Today’s Zen birding lesson: Validation is good!