I’d seen one before, at least I thought I had. Given my recent record of smackdowns by more experienced birders and no one to turn to for confirmation, I had no appetite for reporting it in a season when it was considered rare. I was in the same place, but today he posed for me.
I also now have a picture of him up on the wall in my office. I know this bird.
He flew up on a branch and I stopped.
I pulled out my easy camera at took a bunch of shots. I was pretty sure.
I pulled out the bins – YES!
American Kestrel – a falcon about the size of a large Robin festooned in Bright blue and orange. Magnificent!
I pulled out the big lens and took more shots. He took a little leap off the branch and hovered for about 20 seconds. My mouth hung open. I had heard stories, but WOW. I can’t even.

I am one lucky birder.