In the initial planning of this trip I did not expect to visit Marco Island or South Naples, but the allure of the Magnificent Frigatebird (a species that visited Rhode Island a few years ago and I missed by minutes) and the Rose-ringed Parakeet. Saw them both, but again the Parakeet photo eluded me. The Frigatebird on the other hand, came to find me.
I had taken a bit of a walk to try to go to the beach at Marco Island after the park I wanted to visit was closed. It was a long walk, so I aborted and slipped into a trail that went to the Lagoon just in time to see a Reddish Egret flyby -- before I could raise my camera it was gone. Still one of the birds I really wanted to see. Now I just really want a photo. I was back in the parking lot trying to figure out what else to do after realizing why I dipped on the Rose-ringed Parakeet earlier -- they have only been seen in the late afternoon. I looked up and there were not one, not two but 12 Magnificent Frigatebirds -- here are just a few...

Now that is how I like to get a Life bird! Magnificent.
I decided to re-bird a place I went yesterday in hopes of seeing a Snail Kite -- dipped. But I did get another nice look at a Crested Caracara and found a great mixed flock at the end of Six L's Farm Rd.
Crested Caracara

Green Heron

Fish Crow

American Kestral

American White Pelican

Wood Stock and such

Loggerhead Strike
