Left Boynton Beach at a reasonable 7am and after gassing up the car (which had a wash last night -- I decided I had to when a lovely maintenance guy in a nearby park asked me if my car was "like that" because I'd been driving in the snow. I had not, just on Florida's Wildlife drives. Even the quick car wash didn't get it really clean, the "dirt" is so fine here it is tough to get off a car.)
Took off down Alligator Alley where I was surprised to find regular rest stops and restrooms. I got off trying to get to a spot where Snail Kites had been spotted the day before. Pretty soon after I saw a Short-tailed Hawk fly by -- my first lifer of the day. I think I sent the wrong coordinates and by the time I realized it I was in the middle of nowhere with very limited cell service. I back tracked and put in another hot spot once I reached a place with better service. Still I dipped on the Kite. Here is what I did see.
American Kestrel

Red-shouldered Hawk (note the spooky eye -- with the nictating membrane closed)

I decided to go visit Babcock-Webb Management, a pretty reliable place to find the Red-cockaded Woodpecker -- a rare bird everywhere but Florida. When I first heard about this bird I thought it would be spectacular, but like lots of rare birds it is pretty basic. Mostly black and white -- about the size of a Downy Woodpecker and hardly any red on it at all. Turns out Cockaded means "Wear on a hat as a badged" so I guess that refers to the tiny patch of red the males have.
I was told there were several area marked with orange flags where the Red-cockaded Woodpecker's nested. There were no orange flags and this place is huge! I also had some advice to find a feed flock of warblers and the Woodpeckers would likely be nearby. Bingo -- I saw the RCWO right after my first turn.
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

Also finally saw a Brown-headed Nuthatch and a few other old friends
Brown-headed Nuthatch

Northern Mockingbird

Little Blue Heron

Greater Yellowlegs


Lifers on this trip = 29, Florida Life List = 165