My first real fall birding outing at Snake Den Farm. It was a beautiful crisp sunny day. I had the farm to myself, until the end (when I ran into a bunch of birders -- so that was fun too) and it was glorious. Birds, Butterflies & Flowers -- can't beat it. I took @350 photos and it took me @3 hours to process and review them - my idea of a fabulous afternoon.
Fall birding is different than summer birding (where I basically just sit on the beach and wait for the birds to come to me). It involves finding birds in trees, fields and undergrowth. Honestly my neck aches from looking up. I need to work on my arm strength to hold my camera steady.
Regardless of what birds I see or don't see, I love communing with nature on days like this. Looking forward to migration and the costume change.
Monarch Butterfly
White-breasted Nuthatch
Bay-breasted Warbler
Carolina Wren
Common Yellowthroat
Lincoln Sparrow