It’s a fifty-degree, sun-soaked day in February, and the birds are calling me. On my lunch hour, I hop in the car and head for Moonstone Beach. I walk the beach until I reach a small salt pond where my birder spark, The Greater Yellowlegs, has recently been spotted. Although the Greater Yellowlegs got me started, I saw it before my big year officially, and I’m hungry to have it on my Found It! list. My birder neighbor gave me directions to the pond – and neglected to mention that I should go at low tide; live and learn – and also informed me that, if I was patient and waited, there would be lots of Great Yellowlegs hanging out down the street a few months from now. But I couldn’t wait, and so, with hope in my heart, I headed for the beach and the little pond. Alas, there was nary a yellow leg in sight! However, I did spy a bunch of Dunlin – a new bird. A few minutes later, I had another new find. (Eurasian Wigeon) No yellowlegs, but still a wonderful day in nature. You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just might find, you get what you need. Amen!
