It finally feels like May and I had a lovely day birding. Started off at one of my usuals & assists from Jan & Sue -- Succotash Marsh with a Saltmarsh Sparrow hiding in the reeds and 2 Clapper Rails (I assume returning from last year) and a new Flycatcher (Willow) -- which I heard in two different spots today. That is a sure sign of Spring!
I went to see if the Arctic Terns were still in town (they were not) and visited two new territories. One turned out to be in front of a friend of mine's condo -- it's a great spot and I would sit there on a regular basis but there is limited parking starting today (welcome to coastal RI).
The other is a preserve I have passed multiple times but until Sam Miller posted a great checklist from the parking area (my kind of spot) I hadn't had it on my list to stop there. I not only found the new bird I was looking for, but I got a photo of a normally fairly difficult bird to photograph -- a Worm-eating Warbler AND it looks like they were engaged in some kind of breeding behavior -- Woo Hoo -- a treasure!
Unfortunately a fog has rolled in again -- so the afternoon will be spent indoors catching up on a bunch of stuff I should have done, but was out birding instead.
