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Two Island Tango

Writer's picture: Barbara SeithBarbara Seith

Today I started birding from our balcony -- first thing I heard -- clear as day. A Sora! I took that as an omen -- we were going to have a good day. We started on the Pier at St. Simon's Island where I got a new life bird -- Collared Eurasian-Dove. Had a great photo session with a Brown Pelican who was hanging out waiting for fish.

Next back to Jekyll Island to see if we would fair better at low tide. We went to the Marina where Maria took a little walk & I stayed in the car. I saw a Peregrine Falcon fly by and she saw my Nemisis bird so far this trip and Anhinga -- frustrating for both of us. Then we decided to check out the public boat ramp which was in the direction of the Anhinga.

What a great decision. We had a Tricolored Heron pose for us and a close encounter with both Black & Turkey Vultures. I saw several Anhinga and on later review of photos 5 American Avocets -- photos are distant and poor, but they are the species. Again frustrating because it would have been a life bird for Maria. It wasn't just a boat ramp, there was a lovely pond with good birds too.

We had lunch sitting outside by car at Clam Creek and did not anticipate the Grackle invasion -- there were almost 100 and we finally had to give up and go in the car to finish. I happened to catch this female Boat-tailed Grackle with its nictitating membrane down -- spooky!

Back we went to St. Simons Island but not before we saw more good stuff -- Northern Harrier, White Ibis & a Immature Little Blue Heron (actually white) on the side of the Causeway.

Gould's Inlet lived up to its reputation - Black Skimmers for days & @400 Semipalmated Plovers. It was glorious and perfect weather. We wrapped up with hearing a Great Horned Owl on the way to dinner. Up to 73 Georgia birds and 4 Life birds for the trip - Just a morning bird tomorrow then back to Jacksonville.

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