Started the week listening for Owls in the early morning at Ninigret. Heard one Owl, but lots of American Woodcock. Went on to a few places in Wakefield &Narragansett. Just a few photos.

Indian Lake
Ring-necked Duck

No photos from a rainy Tuesday but Wednesday was rainy too -- so I went to the water, where it was already wet. Mostly from Newport
Succotash Marsh
Greater Yellowlegs

Gardiner Pond
Common Merganser

Hooded Merganser

Ocean Drive, Newport
Black Scoter




Not birding the next two days - traveling to see my Step-Dad on Friday and a Play in Boston on Saturday. Today was quiet, but beautiful -- at Camp Cronin & Hazard Avenue in Narragansett.
Camp Cronin

Red-winged Blackbird

Northern Mockingbird

Hazard Avenue

Sunday dawned foggy and drizzling, but it stopped and cleared in the morning. I went to the Great Swamp, which is far enough from the shore to be less foggy and is usually fairly birdy. Had a great session with a Carolina Wren & a few moments with a Red-shouldered Hawk, that are burned in my imagination. Had good luck with hawks this morning.
Road to Great Swamp
Carolina Wren

Red-tailed Hawk

Matunuck Beach Road
Red-tailed Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Next week it rains again. Sigh...