It rained all day, but that did not stop me from birding. When it rains the Turf (sod) fields are often flooded and that attracts the Sandpipers. Today featured the Buff-breasted Sandpiper and the call came in from Sam Miller a little after 4pm -- I was 45 minutes away, but got there in time to see the bird for @5 minutes before a Cooper's Hawk flew over and flushed all the birds.
Not my favorite way to see a bird -- yes it checks the box, but it is pretty unfulfilling particularly when it is too far for a decent photo. Lucky for me on my way home another call came in with 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at a place that the birds are typically closer to the road. Although my photos aren't great, they are not horrible for a rainy day. But I did get to observe these two birds fairly close up for @15 minutes - much more what I like.